Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thoughts on the "Snowglobe Shabbos"

Joseph called yesterday night after settling back into his Home Away From Home, and once again, I detected that little catch in his voice that told me he was missing home.
Mind you, he's already decided to stay a second year and we had to do quite a bit of arm twisting to get him to come home in the first place. When he was talking Orlando, I knew better than to try competing with Mickey, but when those plans fell through and we were hearing Atlanta/Chicago/internship at a Miami radio station (??!??), we kinda sorta felt like we had the right to say we missed him and would rather have him come home for the weekend.
It's nice to know that when he does come home, he actually misses us too upon his return.
Someone once referred to our weekend as a "snowglobe shabbos" and that made me feel very good. I like the idea of everything "just so", and an atmosphere swirling with glitter is just the kind of feeling I'm going for. Reb. Gelley once spoke about Shalom Bayis and claimed that making a nice shabbos table was a step that would improve one's family life. I believe it. Shabbos meals are my favorite time of the week. All the work and all the worrying and all the planning are worth the feeling that pervades the meals.
My children must agree to some extent as well. After all, Joseph has been decorating his dorm room with fresh picked "flowerscapes" for shabbos - a chip off his father's block.
So here's to Snowglobe Shabbosos and lots of friends and family to share them with!

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