Thursday, August 23, 2007

Shabbos Approaches

Guess who's coming to dinner?
The honeymooners !
I was reluctant to push and start off as the "annoying mother-in-law" but lo and behold, I guess they find our home an inviting atmosphere and have decided of their own accord to join us for Shabbos.
Estie is moving to the Upper West Side and has chosen to spend her last Friday night at our table as well.
Michael's chavrusah Steven is finally coming to our house too.
Chava called and in her inimitable style is arranging meals for all of her friends and will be joining us with one other guest.
So that brings us to a grand total of 11 - - - seeing as I had a week off of cooking for Shabbos Sheva Brochos, I guess I had this coming to me.

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