Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Prepared, But Never PREPARED...

As Yom Tov approaches, I am once again struck by the eternal "homemaker's conundrum".
Although I have completed all {well most...} of the physical preparations for Yom Tov {yes folks, there will be raisin challah, tongue, sweetbreads, lox quiche, salami quiche florentine, butternut kugel, apple kugel, apple cranberry kugel, potato kugel, veal (woo hoo!), sole/salmon medallions, potato kugel, stuffed cabbage, broccoli kugel - did I leave out any body's favorite/special request? Whew....}, my spiritual preparations have suffered markedly....
There never seems enough quiet time to sit down, reflect, repent and come up with a viable "teshuva plan". Yes, you heard right. I've made "menu plans" for this never-ending succession of three day Yomim Tovim, juggled guests to fit with various meals, and yet my non-existent teshuva plan is appalling.... How do I figure out a way to prioritize this along with my guest lists and menu plans? This year, as every year, I MUST find a way. I just know that if I don't, when I stand in shul on Rosh Hashana, I will once again realize that I have failed miserably in this regard.

1 comment:

  1. Hello G6!

    You are so right. The teshuva plans is the most important to make, and gets the least attention from a busy homemaker as Tishrei approaches.

    Even if I find the time to make such plans, I find it difficult to focus "on schedule".

    We're lucky to have the voice of the shofar to wake us up... But even then, it's difficult to have proper kavanah when trying to keep little ones quiet...

    All of your Yom Tov tables are stunning! I'm so impressed that you're ready early enough, and remember to take the pictures of the set tables.

    The best I can do is to get pictures of the baked goods, usually half an hour before licht-bentchen!

    For those (obviously less than ideal) occasions when we flop down after lighting candles, and then begin ruchnuit/spiritual awareness of the holiday, maybe we can hope to snag a bit of the zechut of the guests' kavanah, which is enhanced so much by our gashmiut/physical activities.

    A set table is an avodah, too.

    Your tables, and the way you have preserved them in the pictures, define hiddur mitzvah.

    Thank you for letting me add you to the "Friends of Juggling Frogs" blogroll!

    Wishing you a gut yontiff, and time for all of your plans to come to fruition!

    All the best,
