Monday, June 23, 2008

8 Days and Counting....

It is now less than 8 days until my Jen, my baby, is off to sleepaway camp for the very first time.
When I sent my children off to Yeshiva and Seminary, they always got a stack of "plane letters" from loved ones to take with them and keep them company on the lonely flight to their destination.
Since Jen will be on a bus with nobody she knows on the way up to camp, I thought some "bus letters" would be in order.
Following is the reminder email I sent out to all the relevant siblings/loved ones....
Care to place bets on how many letters we end up with and how many more reminders need to be sent??!?
"OK everybody,
We're getting close to JOTC-Day (Jen off to camp) and whether that elicits a "woo hoo", an "awwww" or any other reaction that I may or may not to know about, consider this your Bus Letter (a.k.a. plane letter) reminder email.
Now I know I associate with a bunch of procrastinators, but trust me on this folks.... these letters don't write themselves and they're not as easy as they look! For those of you who have been beneficiaries of plane letters in the past, think back to how much they meant to you and get moving!!! I'd like to have them in hand by this Sunday so that I can pack them up for her in due time. For those truly lazy in the bunch - if you email them to me, I will gladly print them out and put them in an envelope for you :) .
For those enterprising spouses - feel free to join in if you're so inclined.....
For those of you who have just too much fun with this project, another email will follow shorty with her camp address and fax info.
Thanks in advance,Mommy
P.S. I love you too"

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