Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Strenghtening Ourselves Through Teshuva

With Elul upon us, I have begun reading "Lights Along the Way", Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski's commentary on Mesillas Yesharim and it is doing me (hopefully) a world of good.
I just get so angry and frustrated at myself for getting into these messes over and over again. On the one hand I am proud of myself for making the concerted effort to do Teshuva for my constant and repeated failings but I am so disappointed that I keep repeating the same mistakes and I can't help but wonder if this time my teshuva will really "stick". Why can't I be the kind of person with enough Yiras Shomayim not to get myself into these predicaments in the first place????

1 comment:

  1. Chazal say that it takes 70 years to change a midah.
    Have to take baby steps, I quess.
    But I also feel the same way a lot!
