Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Held Over One More Day

For all those following Joey's story, he was held over today and will be taping only tomorrow. It was very nice for him to discover that he was with another frum contestant all day! They will both be taping only tomorrow.
Keep sending those good thoughts his way!


  1. so how did it go?

    are you taking a looonnnggg trip somewhere?

  2. My lips are sealed...
    But the show is tentatively scheduled to air May 21-22.
    Stay tuned.

  3. I admire you, I am not sure how you or Joey can keep this quiet until the end of May!
    Will we be able to follow a live stream on the net when it airs?

  4. Don't admire me! I'm taking my cues from Joey. This is VERY hard, but rules are rules... even his siblings (who were not at the taping) don't know!
    I'll look in to the streaming thing... but I'll definitely post here as soon as I can!

  5. OK, I've done some research and apparently there is no way to watch the shows online.
    If there is any tech person out there who knows a way to tape ("Tivo") it off a TV and upload onto the net, you have seven { :O } months to figure it out and explain it to me so that it can be available to everybody who wants to see it.....
    Thanks in advance all you techies :)

  6. why do they tape it so far in advance? and why the secretiveness? they must realize that only family (and here on the blog we are all your family ;-) wants to know

    did he have to sign something stating he won't talk about it?

  7. They tape so far in advance because they tape an entire week of shows each day. So it's a short "taping season". Taping season was over end of October, so his show will air the end of the "viewing season".
    I'm not sure why all this secrecy but yes, they made him sign MULTIPLE documents promising not to reveal the outcome.
    He wasn't even allowed to know how fellow contestants did......
