Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm Not Great With Change

Have I mentioned this before?
So yesterday, in the middle of the day, I notice my Gmail account looking a little bit different. OK, I'm a big girl, I can deal with this, right? Sure! (one more time with feeling please....)
Let me just tell you that it distracted me all day.
If that wasn't enough though, when I logged on at home last night, I discovered that I now have options for my Gmail "theme"....
Of course I could revert back to the "classic" version if I'd like, but now that I know I have choices, I sort of feel obliged to try them out....
So for those of you who are interested, I've decided to give the "Planets" theme a try. (but I'm still distracted.....)
Anybody else out there dipping there toes in the theme water?


  1. 'Tis the seen for change. Or rather, change you can believe in. Why do those words always make me feel so juvenile?

    By the way, the AOL page has also changed, and I don't care for the new look. Although I think I can handle it, generally speaking, I don't usually care for change either. Give me that old time ______.

  2. i tried ninja and graffiti but i found them both to be a little distracting.
