Monday, November 17, 2008

You wouldn't believe me anyway, so why even try...

I've been thinking for two days now as to how to describe our Friday night dinner this week. We had lots of company, lots of dishes and lots of fun. But if I told you all of it you won't believe me. It's not even worth it trying.

We'd have to begin by reviewing my post on the many colored crayons. Then I'd have to remind you how when you were a kid and you had a lot of crayon stubs left over, you would melt them all together in a muffin tin and you got a crazy sort of rainbow crayon that looked like this:

Meet Peter A.'s crayon... ;)
Now mix that with all the other varying hues of crayons present this weekend at our table and you have our Friday night dinner.

I would tell you that Peter A. has an imaginary girlfriend (by his own admission), but you might not believe me.

I could tell you that said imaginary friend has succeeded in waking Peter A. for minyan six out of the last seven days, but you definitely wouldn't believe me.

Perhaps I should just give up and leave you with a quote I once read:

"The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist"


  1. you fogot the piyutim she's written...

  2. I didn't forget.....
    I was afraid if I repeated it all, they'd have me committed!
    P.S. Saturday night she got him to do his laundry as well.

  3. Hey, single colored crayon....
    I have my theories but I'm just curious....what color would you say YOU are?

  4. You should meet my daughter and her imaginary siblings!

  5. My daughter has tons of imaginary friends. Once I caught her making food for them!

  6. Crayons can be fun and creative but also toxic.
    They can create beautiful masterpieces or totally ruin an entire load of laundry.
    They can smell awful.
    mosaic crayons can make things interesting and unpredictable...
