Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Funniest Thing.....(well... MILDLY funny)

...so I was reading the online edition of the Yiddish Forward yesterday {ok, you see, that comment THERE should already have you rolling in the aisles, because if you know me, you know I don't read the Forward and I don't read Yiddish!! But that's not the funniest thing, so pull yourselves together and pay attention!} because a friend of mine was written up and wanted me to see her name in print and "kvell".

She said her name was in the third paragraph from the bottom.... but when I went to scroll down the page, there was no scroll bar - - - until I remembered ... the scroll bar is on the LEFT of the page!

I don't know why I think it's so amusing, considering all "hebrew" pages are like that, but truthfully, I don't read them much so it was startling.....


  1. okay, at least you were able to find it. How often have you read a jewish publication, and the the article is to continue on page X, but when you turn to page X, it either is missing, or worse, another article or an ad is in its place!

    Like if your car gets stolen in the city, and someone parks in your space. Very disconcerting...

  2. Hey, I never saw this before! Thanks!
