Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Latkes Revisited

Tonight we will host the second "latke party" of this Chanukah in our home.
Monday night was "family" - tonight will be "friends", though we have been known to blur the lines...

A little known benefit of being the Chief Cook and Entertainer is the prerogative of nibbling on the latkes as they are just emerging from the pan - when they are at the peak their sizzling best.  Of course that spoils the rest of them for me because I know just how good they can taste!

I have been jokingly saying that since we are getting each night's doughnuts from a different locale, I'll be able to announce the winner of "best doughnut" by the end of the chag. The problem is, NONE OF THEM has wowed me yet. Maybe I just don't like doughnuts all that much....


  1. You are so right that the latkes fresh out of the pan are at their peak of perfection. It's not just me that knows that--they all stand around here waiting for the first batch to come out of the pan and they disappear before I can even get them on a plate.

    Re the doughnuts, this year has been mega disappointing. I've been gifted with doughnuts from three different bakeries and none of them come close to equaling other years or to equaling homemade. We cut open one of those doughnuts and actually measured the amount of custard that was in there--not even a heaping teaspoon's worth. If I'm going to "sin" with doughnuts could I at least have some pleasure from it?
