Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hang In There, Shabbos Is Coming....

No, this post is not dated incorrectly.
Yes, you are right. That is my usual Friday title, but I want to highlight something about my approach to Shabbos, and this is the best way.
I try to do a little something in preparation and/or contemplation of Shabbos every day of the week, whether it be inviting guests, planning and shopping for meals, or actual cooking.  Today I did all those things (it's a pity you can't smell that soup!), and each thing I did reminded me of the beauty and serenity of Shabbos and gave me a little something to look forward to in the days ahead.  Making Shabbos a part of every day of the week, allows for just a little bit of that holiness to be infused into a "chol" day.
The family gets excited too.
"Who is coming?"
"What special dish will be served?"
Long ago we started setting the Friday night table on Thursday. This fosters the illusion that Shabbos is ready (whether or not that is truly the case) and keeps all those tense 'racing around' feelings at bay.
So while it may be six long days away - SHABBOS IS INDEED COMING!!! :)


  1. Setting on thursday is a good idea, gotta compliment you on that.

  2. EXCELLENT POST!!! We try and keep the shabbos spirit throughout the week too! I wanted to try setting the table for shabbos thur. night but i haven't figured out where the kids will eat breakfast and lunch the next day. We come home about 1 1/2 hours before shabbos and the rush is ridiculous. It's amazing how fast everything can get done though!!!
