Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's my blogiversary!

... and you're all invited to celebrate with me.
It's been two years since I started this blog, essentially to keep track of the numerous guests who came and went through our front door - what they said, what they liked to eat, who they came with.....
My blog, much as we all do, has evolved and grown.  Sometimes I say too much, sometimes I say not enough, but always I try to be "real".  You, my readers, have shaped the content of my blog more than anything else.  The feedback you give me via comment posts, emails or when you pass me on the street has given me insight into what you like to see and read the most.
Although I primarily do this for myself, I am fully aware that you all add untold dimension to the experience - so THANK YOU. :)
I've gone back and reread some of my earliest posts and I'm happy to say I like them and can still recommend them to anybody who has not yet read them. Much like the "good old days", these "older posts" are far less political, warm and wonderful.

Now comes my favorite part of the celebration .... present time!  I'm going to tell you what I want (and you don't even have to wrap it!) .... post a short comment.  Tell me that you read this blog (and if you aren't too afraid to, tell or hint to me who you are if I know you). Tell me what you like.  Tell me what else you'd like to read. 


  1. mazel tov! to many more years of blogging goodness!

  2. I enjoy the blog because it gives me a window into my former hometown. You do a great job.

  3. Congrats. ';':,.~={}*^!``~;,.."; (confetti). I enjoy the blog for its home like feeling every time I visit.

  4. i love your blog! and if not for reading it, i probably wouldn't have come to you for a meal Friday night, so i'm glad i stumbled upon it :)

  5. I chanced upon your blog. I enjoy reading it. I'd love if you'd go back to posting more about what you serve, how you entertain your company, maybe even some recipes etc. I need some tips. ;-)

  6. I read your blog! Um, why? Because I like it. My family is just developing our own Shabbat traditions and I find the pictures on your site inspiring. :-)

  7. Happy Blogiversary. I'm glad I decided to read one more post before going to sleep, and I like this one!

  8. Happy blogiversary!

    I'm here to see what the cool folks are doing in my nabe, and because of my incurable masochistic envy of people who can keep (or even maintain the illusion of) a well-organized home. Musical theater discussions/ references are, of course, an additional bonus, as are references to beloved neighborhood personalities.
