Monday, February 23, 2009

How I Spent My Sunday Afternoon

It was a busy Sunday - busy morning, busy afternoon, busy evening......
But to borrow (and mangle) a phrase much discussed during my busy evening, "Ein Mukdam u'm'uchar baBlog...."

I figured 120 was a pretty auspicious number at which to conclude my Hamantaschen baking. I hope a few will last until Rosh Chodesh....


  1. Those look so professional! I would have thought they were from a bakery. You must have a lot of patience. :-)

  2. YUM! I almost hate making hamentaschen as much as I abhor making cookies which I only do twice a year and this time of year is one of 'em. Gotta get the noose ready...but until then, would you share your recipe for those perfectly formed triangular hats?

  3. Well, I do declare, this photo does look perfect for certain upcoming carnival... thanks for submitting! You made my mouth water.

  4. Those look delicious. I've promised my kids we'd bake some this afternoon too.
