Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mann tracht und Gott lacht

For all I complain about the silly little edits being done on the Sisterhood play, I must say that I am very proud to be working with such an esteemed group of women -  many of whom hold down full time jobs and run busy households, who will go out night after night and practice into the wee hours at the expense of their families (even my own Jen said to me last night, "You know Mom, I haven't said 'Good Night' to you in weeks.....").  This performance will be held iy"H this Sunday evening and we have stepped up our rehearsals to EVERY NIGHT.
Sadly, yesterday, dear Aviva's (who is responsible for not one but TWO roles) father was niftar. A mad scramble ensued for somebody to take on the daunting task of learning pages and pages of (properly accented) dialogue in a mere FOUR days. Jennine has agreed to undertake the larger of the two roles in addition to the parts she was already playing so I sure hope that those of you who are coming on Sunday night will give her a hearty round of applause.
I've got to tell you that one thing I love about these women, particularly the director (or as Aviva calls her, "Mitzvah Sonja")  is the "can do" attitude and the devotion to a cause.  I'm proud to be counted in their ranks and to be involved in any Klal project that they undertake.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I feel pretty honored to be involved, too! (AND you are one of those ladies...)
