Sunday, February 15, 2009

Shabbos Wrap Up (Recipe Included)

Moshe, Erica and Kayla were in for Shabbos.  I spent the majority of the day delighting in watching the unfolding miracle of a child learning to crawl.  I read somewhere once that a good book ideally should be read three times during the course of one's life... once as a child, once in adulthood and once again in old age.  The premise to this is that perspectives change at different times in our lives and different aspects of these books can thus be appreciated under different circumstances.  I felt like that this weekend as the pages of Kayla's 'early chapters' began to turn.  The vantage point of a grandparent is shifted somewhat from that which I experienced as a parent.  There are new wonders - new miracles...

... and new recipes ;)

This recipe for fried mushrooms is just a very crisp breading on a fresh mushroom. They'll 'pop' when you cut into them they are so fresh.

(...and an added bonus... as far as I know {do *not* tell me if I'm wrong!}, nobody has banned them yet...)



  1. 1
    Mix flour, cornstarch, baking powder, soup base and salt in a bowl.
  2. 2
    Add water to make a batter.
  3. 3
    Dip clean mushroom into batter letting excess batter drip off.
  4. 4
    I find it easier to stick a toothpick into the mushroom to dip it.
  5. 5
    After dipping into batter roll in breadcrumb mixture to coat.
  6. 6
    Fry in oil until golden.


  1. Any recommendations on the brand for the mushroom soup base?

    Oh, and thanks for going back to the old format!

  2. I used the Osem.
    They were so good that I'm making them again this week though I must say they are FAR better straight out of the pan than kept warm until after shul so be sure to exercise your "cooks perogative" and enjoy a few at their sizzling best ;)
    Re the format: I'm going for the eclectic approach.
    One day at a time :)

  3. I ALWAYS follow the rule of tasting it fresh out of the pan just to be sure it's good :-)
