Saturday, March 14, 2009

Purim is Over - You Are NOW Allowed to Mention the "P" Word

With Purim but a fond memory (excluding the one inadvertently overlooked mask still dangling from a picture in the dining room), we are now officially permitted in my home to mention the next "P" word.
PESACH (breath in... breath out....)
I should warn you that I'm a firm believer that in order to arrive at the seder table feeling like "bnei chorim", we should apply a sane and reasonable approach to our pesach cleaning tactics (in case you were unsure, inspecting your chandelier for chometz then wrapping it in plastic until yom tov is definitely NOT sane).
Which is why Mom In Israel's post and commentary about a recent pesach cleaning article in Mishpacha Magazine, that in my opinion is so ludicrous that it should be printed in their "humor" section (do they even have a humor section in Mishpacha Magazine?), is worthy of Honorable Mention here.  I couldn't have responded to the utter insanity of this absurd "helpful" pesach cleaning schedule better myself.



  1. Thank you for the link!

  2. I feel like every year I must repeat my pre-Pesach mantra at least 1,000 times: "Dust is not chametz. Crumbs don't count."

    I've now added one more, courtesy of R' Soloveitchik as quoted in R' Meir Fulda's wonderful Pesach shiur from a few years back: There's a remarkable halachic principle of bittul chametz where we declare our chametz to be dust. Why is it that so many people turn this principle upside down and declare every piece of dust to be chametz?

    If searching for chametz in an apartment takes more than 1/2 hour per room, you're doing it wrong. If you want to do spring cleaning, knock yourself out, but don't think that that's what's required for bedikat chametz.
