Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!

Somebody is going to be cold.....

This picture I that I took this morning on my way to work (so much for my "snow day".... sigh....) actually reminds me of the year Michael was in Yeshiva in South Bend, Indiana. True to its midwest locale (Why is it called the midwest anyway? It's neither in the middle of the country, nor in the west.... but that's a whole other post....) it is known for its fierce, blustery winters.
One morning, as Michael was dashing across the lawn from the dorms to the beis medrash in the driving snow, he lost his scarf (probably the only piece of outerwear he had on at the time).  When he turned around to look for it, the falling snow had already buried it.  It didn't turn up until the snow melted..... in the SPRING.


  1. Midwest winters are pretty brutal. Back in our youthful days, The Lovely Wife(tm) and myself made a trek out to Cleveland for a friend's wedding, road tripping it along I-80 in January. At some point, we stopped at a rest area in Ohio. Now, I rarely wear gloves since they tend to wind up like your picture, so I was bare-handed going into the rest area. We get inside, and I hear a "clink." Looking down, I see my wedding band on the floor. From a 30-second walk outside, my hand hand shrunk so much from the cold that it had fallen off!

    For some reason, I found this fascinating, while TLW was not particularly amused...

    Then again, there was our friend who had an outdoor chuppah in MONTREAL in JANUARY!

    Moral of the story: we've gotta get ourselves some friends from the tropics... :)

  2. Happy Engagement Anniversary! From the mid westerners who B"H are not experiencing serious snow for once.

  3. How thoughtful of you Jron...
    It's good somebody remembers the date, because neither Avram nor I are sure.... (He just did some digging.... it was the 11th}, but you're close enough....)
    25 years - - - can you BELIEVE it??

  4. Actually I was thinking of Zayen Adar which is tonight. We share the same anniversary date one year earlier.

  5. Yes, it was zayin....
    Leave it to Yekkes to use the annual Chevra Seudah as a benchmark for dates in their lives... lol...
    I always say you can never have a decent length conversation w/ a Yekke without death coming up at least once :)

    Mazal Tov to you too (or rather you two too)then!
