Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chag Kasher V'Sameach

From the G6 Family to Yours.....


  1. I guess this picture was taken after the Seder. Thanks for keeping it so neat.

  2. THIS WAS AN AWESOME SEDER! Also, I found out that a shir ha maalos tune I always thought was just "a yekkish shir ha maalos tune" is actually the Pesach theme song - it was in everything. Even kedusha in shul! Also, I would like to point out that my questions were all answered and I feel a lot more prepared to try to MAKE one of these seder things...hopefully next year...well, if we aren't in Jerusalem! In which case, the whole thing will have changed somewhat, I gather! But wait, if we get Moshiach before next Pesach, would we have a Pesach? Like, would we bring the korban Pesach? Or would we only have Tisha b'Av and Purim?

  3. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
