Monday, April 6, 2009

Chocolate Matzoh

I don't want to hear your dire warnings about cholesterol, salmonella, calories or anything else on this matter.
For ONE WEEK, I just want to enjoy the memories of simpler times, when Yom Tov was filled with sweet and savory delicacies and nobody ruined it with health concerns.
As children we went to bed seder night with visions of waking in the morning to that first piece of chocolate matzoh of the year for breakfast.
Throughout the rest of Yom Tov, it was always good for a quick and filling snack and it was supremely "packable" for all outings.
I make at least half a dozen of these throughout Pesach for family and anybody else who drops in.  

                             Chocolate Matzoh

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  1              stick  margarine
     3/4           cup  cocoa
  1 1/2           cups  sugar
  3        extra large  eggs -- (or 4 large)
  7                     matzohs -- (7-8)

Melt margarine.  Add cocoa.  Alternate egg and sugar. Chill several hours or overnight.   When mixture is chilled and thickened, spread on matzoh and continue layering.  Be careful to orient all matzos in the same direction.  End with matzoh (7-8 matzohs high).  Wrap in foil and refrigerate 24-48 hours before serving.  If chocolate matzo is needed sooner, sprinkle matzos w/ a bit of wine before spreading with chocolate.


  1. Very nice, shame we dont eat gebrokts....

  2. Germans love this.

  3. Anonymous... can we get you a pseudonym already.... please.....

  4. The No Gebrokters are definitely underprivelged. This is just torturous!

    On a side note, interesting use of "poor man's bread". It certainly seems very rich here. Maybe I'll have to try it AFTER Pesach.

  5. also, notice the square matzos for the yekkes around gebrokts rocks!

  6. OK. Anonymous has a new name

  7. Baked Lecho Dodi, huh...?
    I don't know what it means (and you know it's gonna be on my mind) but I LIKE it!!
    Thanks :D

  8. Without denying the pleasure that some get from chocolate-covered matzo, I still don't see how non-gebrokts eaters are missing out on much (except for my mother's knaidlach, naturally). Does the matzo really add that much to the chocolate?

    I'm not sure when I became Jacques Pepin to G6's Julia Child*, but you could probably make a pretty decent mousse out of the same ingredients: separate the eggs first, mix the margarine, yolks, and cocoa. Whip the whites & sugar separately until stiff, then fold the two mixtures together. Chill overnight.

    Spread on matzo if you can/must (hey, it's probably a bit healthier, since it'll have fewer calories per same volume as the spread!), or just dollop out on to plates. If you wanna get really fancy (and, if you're reading this blog, we know you do), mold into your individual shape of choice, freeze, and serve with cut fruits or berries (if there are any left that haven't been banned for bugs).

    * How ancient am I getting that I'm now making cultural references that my newly-graduated colleagues don't even begin to comprehend?

  9. I eat chocolate, raw eggs, and any kind of fruit I can find (provided it doesn't have kedushas shevi'is). I would drink absinthe if the law allowed, and I think you are wonderful.

  10. P.S. I don't need to guess who's coming to dinner. *I* am!!!!

  11. And I plan to drink absinthe, too, handmade by a certain person in a certain place where the law does allow it, after OUR law allows me to go to sleep afterwards in the apartment of that same person, in the event of any unpleasantness...though I have been assured it is not normally unpleasant...

  12. OMG!! anonymous, I LOVE your new name!
    eingamachte keller trochen un getruchener lecha dowdies!!

    is there actually a family whose mother said this to her/him when he asked what's for supper???

  13. OMG!!!
    I've NEVER heard it your way Anonymous (all I need is *another* Anonymous... sheesh).
    My mother used to say and PARDON MY SPELLING (even better would be to correct it)
    "eingamachte keller trebbe (sp.?) mit eingeschlaffene fees"
    I guess it's along the same lines!

  14. it means :

    sauteed (or cooked) cellar stairs and fried Lecha Dodies, or something like that.
    always grossed me out

  15. Ahh....
    Keller treppe...
    Cellar Stairs.
    I prefer slept-in feet to baked L'cho Dodis though... more picturesque.....

  16. Well, I used to make chocolate spread for matzahs, and apple jelly. DILs (plural) complained that chocolate spread made the grandkid's clothing dirty and stained. Older kids complained about calories. This year made mayonaise (EVERYONE wanted, calories or not), eggplant spread, and a sort of salat TURKE.

  17. I tried this recipe but it was not as nice as yours. The matzos never got moist!
