Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pesach is Tough on Everybody...

Did I ever tell you about the year I almost killed our goldfish on Pesach?  (Yes, that is our real goldfish in the photo, not a google image)
You see, commercial fish food contains chometz and since my experiences up to that point with them had been that they thrive on what I like to call "benign neglect", I figured that I would feed the fish the chometzdik food right before yom tov and then feed it matzoh meal as little as possible during the yom tov.
Now think carefully as to the effect that too much matzoh has on YOUR digestive system.  Oh, poor little fishy looked decidedly uncomfortable, to put it mildly.  He sat at the bottom of the bowl and barely moved..... 
Thankfully, after discontinuing the matzoh meal and feeding him nothing for the rest of Pesach, he made a full recovery  (only to commit suicide by leaping to his death OUT of the bowl onto the dining room floor later that year... don't ask... it wasn't pretty and I'm not even sure how it was accomplished....but it was definitely a classic case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Needless to say, the next year and all years following I have gotten nice Kosher l'Pesach Brine Shrimp (Kosher shrimp? Isn't that an oxymoron?) for our dear fish.  But in all honesty, since they are hard to come by, I put the container away with the Pesach dishes from year to year. They are freeze dried, but I sometimes wonder a bit guiltily if they don't have an expiration date..... shhhhh, don't tell the fish.......


  1. Leaping out and killing itself, you guys must have tortured it, animal cruelty!!!

  2. that's funny the fish jumped out like that, reminds me of "Nemo".

    That's nice you care about your fish so much. I'm surprised there was kosher shrimp for Pesach, sounds strange.

  3. we had a goldfish that lived for 5 years!! and it "loved" matzah meal. how weird is that??

    i can't believe ur fish jumped out of the bowl!!

  4. JSB - I was being "funny" (or not).
    There isn't any kosher shrimp, but as it is permissible to feed your pet treif (but NOT permissible, as a side note, to feed them bosor b'cholov....), freeze dried brine shrimp are effectively "kosher l'pesach" (i.e. no chometz) though decidedly NOT kosher :)

    MIM - I prefer to think that after watching so many lovely Shabbos meals from afar, the fish just wanted to sit AT the table :D

  5. our old rabbit refused to eat matzah or veggies over pesach, so he pretty much starved for eight days.

    so last year we sold our rabbit to our cleaning lady, and prayed she wouldn't want rabbit soup/stew

  6. yea, I realized you were being funny, it was funny!

    ahh I see now...

  7. lol. I love how kosher for pesach food for pets is so completely not kosher. For my dogs we have to get a dog food that has bacon in it. Weird...
