Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why Do We Let People With No Sense Spend Our Money?

Seriously! Doesn't our current administration have any sense??!?!
Hasn't our President heard of Photoshop??
I was much entertained by these amateur submissions in response to a request by the Daily News.
Bureaucracy at it's best I suppose.

Over the Brooklyn Bridge


  1. Bureaucracy doesn't have a best; it seems that the most we can hope for is that its worst doesn't do too much damage. When I mentioned the flyover in class the unanimous reaction was "Why didn't they use Photoshop?" Unanimous except for one student who said: "You are all assuming that when they told us this was a flyover for a photo op that they were telling us the truth. Not even our government can be this stupid, so maybe there was another reason they sent the planes where they did, a reason they aren't going to tell us about. Maybe they'd rather we all thought they were stupid then tell us the truth about why the planes were there."

  2. ProfK -
    That's a very interesting point made by what could be a very astute student...
    Maybe we should give the KIDS a hand at running the show for a bit ;) (on second thought... maybe not...)

  3. We want to see/smell/taste more challah not planes.

  4. Baked Lecho Dodi - To quote the Lone Ranger's famous sidekick - "Who's 'we', white man?".

    Regarding the challah, come on over... my door is always open.

  5. G6,

    That was one my father's favorite lines! He used to say it all the time. I never heard someone else say it besides for him. He often said it whenever someone said "We will...." and didn't feel like "we" should include him.

  6. Chaim -
    I'm glad I could rekindle a nice memory.
    MY father used to say "Not so fast Paparelli" (a punchline of a decidedly unfunny joke, that only became funny b/c my father used it so much). Remind me the next time you see me and I'll share it with you ;)

  7. Mr. B. (both of them) already told me that joke. I actually found it funny. Maybe I was in a goofy mood.
