Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One Good Link Deserves Another....

Thanks to the blogs linking Joey's story:


  1. Wow - what an incredible story!

    Gee, you guys aren't open for Shabbos guests any time soon, are you?


  2. tnspr569 -
    Our home is always open to Shabbos guests.

  3. Aha...

    Manhattan, huh? We'll have to work this one out...if not this year, then next (school) year...since I'm leaving New York in three weeks!

  4. You and your son looked great on national TV!


  5. G6- I gotta tell you the funniest thing! My sis (MP) was watching something on youtube. I asked her what it was, and she said "frum guy on millionaire" I asked her for the linking (of course pretending I knew nothing about it, while simultaneously wishing I could tell her that I "know" his mother.)
    Anyway, I got the link, and I wanted to tell you that you both looked great! :-)
    You must be a proud mama right now!

  6. LOL, SD -
    When you posted this (at 1:30 a.m. my time {why is Google still one hour off anyway?}, I was still struggling with a glitch in Day 1 Part 1....
    I was soooo frustrated that your sister was watching the pieces OUT OF ORDER.
    Day One Part One gave me so much trouble (mostly b/c you can't call the expert (at least in my show, lol) at 1 am for help, that it had to go up LAST (with a tiny logo messing up the first 40 seconds).
    Hope to correct that when the expert wakes up.
    Thanks for your kind words.
    Hope MP liked it too ;)

  7. Incredible- major Kiddush Hashem! Yasher Koach!
