Monday, May 25, 2009

Quiche? Check! Cheesecake? Check! Flowers....?

I just love Shavuos. (I think it may be obvious by now that I just love ALL yomim tovim!)

And doesn't every family have traditional foods and customs that make each Yom Tov their own?
In our house, it's Oma G.'s green and white handpainted milchig dishes. No plate is exactly like any other.
It's also the flower napkin rings. They only come out once a year and we have the florist create a centerpiece to match them each year.

For the meals it's the asparagus soup, the mushroom onion cheese quiche and the choice of TWO cheesecakes (smooth 'n creamy classic or cranberry).

But let's not forget the FLOWERS!
Flowers in shul - flowers at home.  I have the great fortune of having my husband dedicate himself to decorating our shul for Shavuos and then come home and do the same in our apartment.  For those who have never seen Breuer's on Shavuos (and for some of you who have, but just want to feel a bit of nostalgia) I'm posting a few pictures.  


  1. let's have that recipe for asparagus soup, I can't serve onion, potato, or squash soup again. we are all turning orange and brown....

  2. we dont get the cheesecake recipe?
    I promised mom I would make one, and now I cant find my super-easy 5 minute cheesecake recipe. :(

  3. "florist create a centerpiece to match them each year."

    What recession ?

  4. you make me jealous every pre- or post- Yom Tov decoration post

  5. No plate is exactly like any otherLove that! My kind of plate collection.

    No, I have never been inside Breuer's, so now I will think of it as decorated with flowers. Lovely.

  6. Baked -
    If we are honest with ourselves, every family has one area in which they extend themselves financially - some with family entertainment, elaborate vacations, cars etc.
    In our family, we choose Shabbos and Yom Tov.
    In addition, the centerpiece is not nearly as extravagent as it looks. We supply the base (which we own) each year and she just fills it with flowers to match the table.

  7. SD:

    There's no shortage of quick-and-easy cheesecake recipes (here's a short list), but taking the extra time to do something like Burt Wolf's version is quite worth it, IMHO.

    The "no plate like any other" bit reminds me of my friends who went shopping for new furniture a few years after they got married. When they walked into the store, the salesperson asked them what "style" their home was currently decorated in, so as to better serve them.

    She: "what style do you call 'stuff that we salvaged from our parents' home that they no longer use but we did because we couldn't afford anything else?'"

    Salesperson, without missing a beat: "Oh. 'Eclectic!' Let's take a look at aisle 5..."

    That's the kind of customer service I like to see.

  8. Efrex -
    You crack me up! (that goes for BOTH your comments today)
    If you ever stop commenting on my blog, I might as well shut it down.
