Thursday, June 4, 2009

Another Great Perk of Having Your Son Appear on Television...

... you get an email from the girl you sat next to in high school and haven't heard from in over 20 years!
She tells you that she watched the show with her TWELVE (!!!!!!!!!) kids and loved it.
Nice to reminisce and catch up.....


  1. who?? who from our class has 12 kids and a t.v.?? I would guess B.S. (now M)

  2. Ding, ding, ding.....
    The lady gets it on her very first try! Give her an assortment of beauty products.

    Another tactic might have been trying to figure out who I sat next to in H.S. {wink}

    Fish don't fry in the kitchen.......

  3. you were on the Behaimos side of the room, I was on the Behaimos Shomrei Mitzvos

    I have vague memories of having attended high school and engaging in lofty pursuits such as throwing orange peels, going shopping, and sending notes. Who sat where would mean I was sitting and cognizant of others sitting and attending. Fuzzy images at best.
    I DO remember a teacher with cool sunglasses on her head (and I saw her last year, btw, and she looks exactly the same, no sunglasses, it was indoors at 10 p.m.)

  4. Did we even go to the same school??
    I remember being much more civilized than that (our side of the room never resorted to name calling OR throwing orange peels.....)
    I remember sitting behind the best note taker on the East Coast and the only girl whose mother typed up and bound her reports for her(yes folks, there were no computers back then....).
    I remember writing (and getting into trouble for) the school's "underground" newspaper (in preparation for blogging, perhaps?) and being yearbook photographer (do I detect a trend...?).
    {We're not going to discuss my memories of spending countless hours roaming the hallways (singing at the top of our lungs... what were we thinking????) with you after we were thrown out time and time again...}

  5. cuzzinbuzzin of the next generationJune 4, 2009 at 12:50 PM

    oh please go on! we hear stories from my mother all the time, but there are still things i KNOW she's not telling us!

  6. Second Gen -
    Ask and you shall receive.
    Would you also like incriminating photos of TPing the principal's car?
    Did she ever tell you about the Arba Misos Beis Din song?

  7. You make it seem as if you guys were the only ones who had fun in school.

  8. As a certain Mesivta-SRH principal used to say, "Girls are supposed to have fun. Boys are just supposed to learn." At least one branch of the school did its thing.

  9. that was a very nasty jab at the boy's school...
    those who wanted to learn and came from homes that encouraged it, went on to institutes of higher learning and did quite well...

  10. That's funny.
    I wouldn't have imagined someone with 12 kids watching TV.
