Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I Can Insult My Family, But YOU CAN'T....

Sometimes, when we are particularly close to a person, we are more comfortable pointing out their faults, because we know that all comments will be taken with the understanding that they are given from a position of love and overall acceptance. The comment is merely offered up as a means to effect change.

It is in this vein that I sometimes point out the faults and foilbles of the community in which I live on this blog. Don't EVER misunderstand me. I love my community. I work for my community. I contribute to my community. I love what it stands/stood for. While I may think that there are mistakes being made (and some of them are doozies), never misunderstand that THIS IS MY FAMILY.

I recently posted a comment on another blog in which I detailed something going on in my community that I felt was a mistake. Unfortunately, my comment was followed by a negative, non-specific, non-constructive comment about my community from another. I question the motives of that commenter.

If you are not involved in giving love and support and contributing to the betterment of the "family", you should really be careful when throwing barbs.


  1. that was WAY too vague and i am much too lazy to go surfing, come on, give us a hint...

  2. Giving links would be giving publicity.
    I won't do it.
    In fact, I apologized publicly on that blog for my comment which gave the other commenter fodder.
    Take it from me, the guy posted just a generic insult for which I feel partially responsible.

  3. Take it from me, the guy posted just a generic insult for which I feel partially responsible.

    How do you know it was a "guy"? Are you generalizing that only men would insult that way :-)

  4. Anonymous -
    I did not generalize, nor would I in this instance.
    The commenter to whom I referred was not anonymous.
    He was male.
