Monday, June 1, 2009

In An Instant......

... families whose biggest worries for the day would have been what to make for dinner, who would pick up the dry cleaning, or perhaps helping their neighbors and friends manage in this difficult economy, have entered an alternate reality - a reality where everything "normal" becomes trivial.
All of a sudden NOTHING else matters.... nothing else has any significance.....
My heart goes out to the family and friends of those aboard the Air France flight.  My mind is filled with uncertainty, shock and grief with them.

1 comment:

  1. It's really a major tragedy what happened to that flight. I've been following the news and they've recently reported finding debris in the Atlantic from the airplane. Which means that most probably, there are no survivors.
    It didn't quite hit home until I saw on Yeshiva World that a Chabad Rabbi from France was on that flight. Now I can (almost) feel the pain and shock relatives of those who died are feeling.
