Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Leora participates in a photo meme entitled Ruby Tuesday. The idea is that on Tuesdays, you post a photo with a little or a lot of red in it. Simple enough.

I've been thinking about joining in on the fun for some time now and these lilies that Avram brought home on a recent Friday afternoon were just begging to be photographed
I loved them because they were not the traditional "lily orange". They were a velvety, deep red-orange.

The more familiar orange ones always remind me of summers from my childhood in Tannersville, NY where just down the road in an abandoned lot they grew wild in profusion. There were so many that you could pick them every week for the Shabbos table and not even make a dent. (Of course in those carefree years, our children's sensibilities were perfectly content with a bunch of clover blooms in a cup vase that was hand decorated with some colored tissue paper squares and far more glue than was necessary....)

Visit the original Ruby Tuesday photo meme here for more photos.


  1. I'm thrilled that you joined Ruby Tuesday! It's great fun, like a group of friends who get together to chat about pics every Monday night or Tuesday.

    So nice of Avram to buy you such lovely lilies. I have to really want to photograph something to take the camera out on a Friday afternoon.

  2. That is a lovely image of your lily. The color is magnificent.

  3. Beautiful flower, beautifully photographed. I laughed out loud at your description. I wonder how many times my mother graciously accepted our 'centerpieces' for her table that were, for her, 'allergy aggravaters'! She's much kinder than I am to my kids! I say, "lovely, but it will look better outside on the deck!"

  4. That lily is a beautiful shade of orange-red.

    I like your description of the vase you made with pieces of tissue paper and lots of glue! Those were the days!

    Happy Ruby Tuesday. I'm glad you joined, it's a lot of fun.

  5. Blushing day lily,
    you have turned almost crimson
    with embarrassment.

    My Ruby Tuesday

  6. Very pretty!

    (I'm shepping nachas seeing you partake in Ruby Tuesday like Leora, remembering that I introduced the two of you!)

  7. I just re-read this post, and I'm enjoying Jewish Side's nachas shepping. Very cute.
