Sunday, June 7, 2009

Until The Lights Go Down...

Have you ever been to a really great show? How do you know that everybody else felt the same? The stage lights go down, the curtain descends...... and nobody moves...... That standard mad dash to leave the venue as soon as the last stage light extinguishes just doesn't happen. People want to linger.
Our Friday night stage was set. Elegant table, good food and pleasant company. Tnspr569 (who really needs to satisfy my curiosity on that acronym ;) ) threatened to come join us on this blog so many times that he had to actually show up, brought a friend, who in turn brought a friend - all of whom should be poster boys for my Six Pixels of Separation post. It seems N roomed with Lester in summer kollel, B's sister went to school with Erica and everybody got along seamlessly. How could you tell? Well, as the shabbos clocks clicked "off" one by one, nobody was moving any closer to the benchers. Waiting for the Shabbos candles to go out is just not an option in my house, because mine burn until Motzoei Shabbos, so when the last light in the front hall was 5 minutes from plunging us into a lovely fire lit glow, I grudgingly reminded everybody that it was well past midnight and perhaps we should bench.
The meal and the company were wonderful. I think we will need an encore performance.

As a post script, I must add that there was a bit of "blog talk" at the table and I must let some of the young single female bloggers out there know, that you had some definite fans at my table this weekend!! Don't worry, I didn't give away any secrets. Sadly, none of the guys could satisfy my curiosity either.......


  1. We only said "Let's bentch" how many times?? :-P Always a good sign, in my book.

    I put it on my calendar to send you an explanation...rarely do most people ask, actually.

    Thanks again - we'll have to schedule once I'm back in the fall...

  2. Ah, the long meals where nobody ever leaves. Sounds familiar. :)

    Now *I'm* curious... ;)

  3. Is there always a Hirschean Dvar Torah ?

  4. always one to enjoy a great conversation and interesting meals (and excluding some of my Israel meals, the one i had at you was probably very close to the interesting side of the spectrum)i hate that part of the meal when you don't want to be rude, and the conversation is great, but you're having the most difficult time keeping your eyes open...

    wow that was a really long run-on!

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