Friday, July 10, 2009


Anbeisen is the German word for breaking one's fast.
All afternoon during the latter part of the fast day we wish people "Beis Gut An" - break your fast well (i.e. don't be stupid and gorge yourself within the first 5 minutes, causing a decidedly uncomfortable bloated feeling followed by all night reflux....).
Some people break their fasts on the same foods fast after fast.
Others like to mix things up a bit.
I fall into the former category.... an everything bagel with scallion cream cheese, tomato, red onion and lox. I also cook up a pot of pasta (with or without creamy garlic sauce, depending on how many guests are coming).
What do you break your fast with?


  1. english muffin w egg, mustard, lettuce, cucumber, and avocado

  2. and lots of seltzer

  3. ps can you publish a new German word every day for me...???

  4. BLD -
    What's the "chiddush" of the warm?

    Louisa -
    LOL! (and is your seltzer also warm?)

    I have a *thing* about warm drinks... perhaps I'll make a post out of it....

  5. I am ashamed to admit that the seltzer WAS warm...I hadn't planned ahead and my headache was so bad I didn't have the energy to get out the ice tray

  6. Orange juice and a piece of blueberry buckle.


    Dijon turkey burgers, steamed green beans, mint whole wheat couscous, and stir-fried cabbage. Or something like that.

    It was quite delicious - but the best part was that I didn't have to make it! I just had to clean up...

  7. Hot coffee and kremesh or napoleans followed by more hot coffee and more kremesh.

  8. Bagels and vegetable soup...

  9. Once upon a time, a glass of orange juice and an Entenmanns crumb doughnut. Now, pasta and fish with salad- those pesky husbands and their request for actual meals.

  10. When I was a kid, they used to have tomato, cranberry and apple juice right after the Yom Kippur fast at my shul. So I often think of tomato juice as a good way to break a fast.

    This fast? Probably water. I was concentrating on feeding the other members of my family, including my daughter who didn't fast but had not eaten much supper since we didn't have real supper until about 9:30 at night, and she wanted to eat with us. It was a late night.

    I gave you an award on my blog.

  11. We have this special German herring salad we eat after Yom Kippur along with the obligatory bagels and log.

    It seems kind of funny to eat those after the fasts commemorating the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash.

    I feel like a more simple meal is in order then. Often that ends up being pasta....

  12. RivkA -
    That sounds positively yekkish!
    Have you been holding out on me ;) ?

  13. sort of....

    Unfortunately, I did not inherit any other of my grandmother's other yekkish genes (like punctuality and neatness)


  14. You know you go to a wedding and you eat a lot your suit jacket doesn't close as easily so how come after a fast your jacket fits the same it should fit easier

  15. Cool post - I learned a new word to add to my German repertoire. Now if I only new how to pronounce it...

  16. Pronunciation available HERE.
    (Just click the "listen" button)

  17. Just a warning to everyone, I didn't wake up early to eat, so I might be very grumpy today, just want to let you guys know.
