Friday, July 31, 2009

Even In The Saddest Times, You Need To Smile A Little...

Why is Joey (Oh, please do pardon the "three weeks haircut" and beard....) sitting at my laptop with a plastic soup bowl atop his head?
Simple. Somebody arrived at the shiva house and motioned me over, requesting a yarmulka. My mind raced, trying to remember after 12 years where my father in law, z"l used to keep his spare yarmulkes. As my brain was in panic mode, I spotted Joey out of the corner of my eye. I swooped down and in one deft motion, removed this yarmulke and plunked it down on the visitor's head, to which he responded, "Hmmm, perfect fit". As you can imagine, Joey was none too happy at being relegated to the kitchen, but he was rather resourceful in fashioning himself a bit of a replacement, don't you think?


  1. Very creative :-P

    Have a good Shabbos!

  2. I really like Joey, and I've never even met him!

  3. Ah, a sense of humor! And I gather he doesn't mind being the subject of a post.

  4. SuperRaizy - You made him smile :)

    Leora - He's generally not a fan of being the subject of my posts. Therefore, I always clear those that that involve him first. (and you are VERY RIGHT about the sense of humor)

  5. if you want a kippah that can actually stay on your head, use a piece of paper. cut it out in a circle, cut in a straight line halfway through, and tape one edge over the other. you can even secure it with a bobby pin.

  6. Y'know, I've heard of "soup bowl" kippot, but this is going a bit too far, no?

    "Dear-Lord-I'm-too-much-of-a-language-nerd" moment: My first reaction to the picture was to wonder if perhaps it should've been "pseudoyarmulke" instead of "quasiyarmulke." Even more frightening, I could actually formulate an argument either way...

  7. this totally beats those silky ones
