Monday, July 27, 2009

My Apologies...

I realize that the blog has been noticeably silent of late.
Sadly, this has been due to the fact that my dear mother in law צפורה בת לוי יוסף had some serious medical issues over the past few days and was niftar Sunday afternoon.
There is much to say about the experiences of the past week and the amazing chassodim and hashgacha protis that I was zoche to witness.
I hope to have time soon to update all of my readers.


  1. Baruh dayan Haemet. Take care.

  2. ברוך דיין האמת

  3. Once the Jewish observer had a very good article on the need of "non-mourners" (usually SIL/DIL) to have their feelings of mourning to be addressed. May you and your husband be comforted.

  4. Baruch dayan haemes. May your husband be comforted among the mourners of Tzion.

  5. Baruch dayan emes. I only met your mother-in-law two or three times (and those times were in her later years), but she always seemed like a very nice lady to me.

  6. Baruch dayan haemes. May she live on within all of you.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your family's loss.

  8. Baruch dayan haemes. I'm sorry for your loss
