Sunday, July 19, 2009

Once A Year I Become Robert Peary...

... and brave the undiscovered Artic wilds that is my large freezer requiring its annual defrost.

I usually embark upon this expedition on the first rainy Sunday after Pesach, when there is no place good to go in the inclement weather, and no Pre-Pesach project to take precedence. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on where you stand) I have become quite good at procrastination of this plum assignment. I mean who wouldn't want to spend five hours hacking away at a year's worth of ice, trying to decipher the rosetta stone coffee cakes and ice age mystery meats? (You want Rubashkin meats? We've still got 'em!).

Well, I thought this weekend would be perfect since Jen is home sick with a fever (hey honey - wanna cool off by draining the ice water every 10 minutes darlin'? Sure you do! :D ).

Well, 2 1/2 buckets (yes, big buckets!) of chunky glacial water later, what have I found of interest?
Not much.
2 packages of lamb... a bit freezer burned but in a stew, maybe......
3 glow bracelets in assorted colors (if you stick them in the freezer, they keep the remainder of their charge for another day....or year, depending on how long they are forgotten...)
Enough freeze pops to open a small day care center for the summer....
A cinnamon cake older than my granddaughter.... 'nuff said........


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Seriously. We made our first Pesach at home this year, and in clearing out the freezer we may have found frozen lox from a bris (our youngest boy is 7).

    Go you and your routines. It must be so great to be a yek, even a procrastinating one.

  3. (hey honey - wanna cool off by draining the ice water every 10 minutes darlin'? Sure you do! :D ).

    Ah, a fellow practitioner of the "make their lives just miserable enough while they're young so they don't even think about coming back to live here when they're in their '20s" school of parenting... :)

  4. Some very interesting meals possible from the "hidden assets" found when cleaning out the freezer. They're known as "freezer surprise" here. Real surprise is that some of them aren't half bad.

  5. Hello!

    I just found your blog through Leora's.

    It truly looks like a wonderful blog.

    Sunbonnet Cottage

  6. A cinnamon cake older than my granddaughter....

    Pesachdik ? :)

  7. see my post on this
