Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

In honor of our silver wedding anniversary, both of our married children arranged to move back in with the rest of the brood, lock stock and grandkids for the weekend. Yes, yes, I know that all the extra cooking fell on me, but my family is aware that I don't mind in the slightest and that having everybody around the same hearth so to speak, would make for the most perfect anniversary ever.

Among other things on the celebratory menu was this chocoholic's delight cake (chocolate cake, with chocolate frosting, topped with chocolate glaze and decorated with chocolate leaves). The chocolate leaves and marzipan flowers are quite elegant looking and are not nearly as hard to make as they look.

See more Ruby Tuesday photos with a little or a lot of red in them here.


  1. This looks yummy! I'll bring the milk. :)

    I'm with you on having everyone at the same place at the same time - that's truly the best gift.
    Happy RT!

  2. Wow. I am in awe.

    That cake is beautiful!

    How long did it take to make that cake, start to finish?

  3. Thanks tnspr!

    It's tough to say how long it took since I made it in stages and assembled it later...

  4. Great looking cake. And just like my wife, as long as the family is together, she'll cook for the entire crew! Have a great RT.

  5. Oh my...my mouth is watering...I dont know what I want more, to dip my finger in that icing, or eat one of those flowers. ;)

  6. Yum, I think it's time to start slicing the cake!

  7. your cake looks soooo good! how about a slice and a cup of coffee?:P

  8. gosh I see the perfectionist in you coming out strong in that cake! ;-)

  9. Looks yummyyyyy :-)
    Happy Tuesday

    LOts of luv,

  10. SD -
    It's a disease.........

  11. G6- don't I know.... Well, if you can't beat em, join em. When are you going to invite me to your house for a cake decorating lesson?? :-p

  12. SD -

    Others have tried that "scare tactic" and lost.... they ended up at my Friday night dinner table.
    Come any time.... :D

    Ooooh, I'm going to make a pre-Shabbos Kallah for Louisa before she heads off to Berlin to get married. Should we make her the Kallah Cake??
    (I see Louisa rolling her eyes right now... ha ha....)

  13. What scare tactic? If you are making a kallah cake count me in!

  14. The "when are you having me over?" scare tactic.
    Email me when you're in town and we'd love to have you for "Dinner" ;)

  15. I didn't mean it as a scare tactic. I am on a diet so I wouldn't touch the cake, but anytime you make a kallah cake let me know and I am gonna make myself in town. Two perfectionists working together is something too good to pass up on. :-)

  16. Beautiful photo of a beautiful cake and what a grand celebration! Congratulations!

  17. Twenty-five years is worth celebrating!

  18. You are very brave.... I think they would have to take me out to eat instead. The cake looks great!

  19. looks and sounds great but here is the question was it a great gift? The chocolate cake looks delicious

  20. Hmm, I might have to bring some of my brownies or cookies next time to see how they rank (in terms of taste, not appearance, of course).

  21. Why do I find myself reading posts about food on a fast day?

    A gorgeous cake.

  22. Are there any left overs for After the Fast ?

  23. BLD -
    If you'd come over yourself I'd bake another ;)
