Thursday, July 2, 2009

Scene Around Town I

Due to a comment made by Harry-er on this post, claiming that a photo I posted made my neighborhood look "really pretty" and deeming that "sneaky", I decided to post on occasion a new theme entitled "Scene Around Town" which will contain photos I took depicting scenes from in and around my neighborhood.
This one was taken earlier this week. The bridge looks even prettier after dark. I suggest you all grab your spouses/friends/kids/(spouse's friend's kids? {grin}) tonight and go out for a stroll!

View Scene Around Town I in a larger map

(Guest submissions to this meme readily accepted. Email to I will happily credit you or keep you anonymous, as per your request.....)


  1. We want pictures of the einaklach, not steps/bridges/flowers!

  2. BLD -
    Do you read my blog in a group setting? (OMG! Am I and Oprah Blog Club selection>??!??!!)
    Do you have sessions after each post where the assembled masses come up with these resolutions?
    I'm so grateful that you have your finger on the pulse of the masses ;)

  3. I love the view from there! Ft. Tryon park is beautiful!

    And yes, all bridges look better at night when they're lit up!

  4. I think bridges are completely different day and night. Day- I love the combo of architecture, engineering and art that date from an earlier age. Night- there's an amazing arrangement of lights that takes me back to my childhood days of driving into NY late at night. I'd go to sleep in my state and wake up to the Verrazano.

  5. Actually I am out of work so I wait all day for another round of this blog. Keep up the good work!

  6. Staying Afloat - very true! I love to see the bridges during the day - but I still prefer the nighttime appearance, with all of those lights!

  7. BLD -
    I wasn't commenting on your loyal readership. I am most grateful for all my readers - especially those who take the time to comment. I was referring to the use of the royal "We". Like when my little ones used to come home from school saying "everybody says....". Who is "everybody"?
    (Might I add that this isn't your first offense in this regard.... ;) )

    Tnspr -
    I see my inclusion of the map was for naught. I wanted to show that this wasn't taken at Ft. Tryon Park (I'm saving those pics for another post), but rather from Chittenden Avenue....

  8. I like that idea!

    And that is a pretty bridge!

  9. I didn't look too closely at the map, actually. But am I really supposed to know where that street is located?? I've been to that area ONCE. I didn't even know that there was an entrance to the Henry Hudson Parkway near Ft. Tryon park!

  10. tnspr -
    Sorry.... I forget you don't live here ;)
    My apologies.

  11. Chittenden Avenue? i've never even heard of that street...where is it?

    nice picture. i wonder if i can find any. is there a limit on time periods? like how old can the pictures be?

  12. The natural beauty of the river coupled, lulei demistafina, with the technological marvel of the bridge.

  13. FCG -
    No time limit to the pics.
    Thanks for playing :)
    Check out the included (sigh.... nobody listens to me.....) map for directions to Chittenden. I'm actually not sure why we don't go there for Tashlich. It's so much nicer than the "usual" spots....

  14. G6 - I have an interesting Tashlich story to tell you and the familiy - hopefully I'll remember it the next time I join the G6 clan for a meal.

  15. Wow... pictures of "home"

    What can I say? I love the GW bridge -- crossing that bridge means visiting my grandmother, z"l.

    Anyway, just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and for your support and tefillot!

  16. G6 - well, I've been to the Heights many, many times, but only once to Ft. Tryon park and the surrounding area -- maybe twice.
