Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hang In There... The Invasion Is Coming...

We are very much looking forward to Moshe, Erica & Kayla coming in for ALL OF SUCCOS (insert "woo hoo"s here) and Michael, Chana & Eliezer joining in on the fun for the last days of Yom Tov.

The meat is cooked, the soup has simmered, the tongues have licked their last, and it's too early to be chopping vegetables and poaching fish.

So that is what had me fingering through the cutest little baby argyle vests (and matching socks!!!) at The Children's Place last night, followed by me settling in to an attempt to assemble this:

Looks simple enough, right? Well let me tell you, that this lovely item arrives in more pieces than it would if King Kong stomped on it. Oh, and dare I mention the six washers that are included in the 1,634,227 pieces that are nowhere to be found in the four page instruction sheet, which, by the way, was obviously designed for today's illiterate society. There wasn't a word on it. Only diagrams. A word or two for those of us who got past the first grade might have been appreciated.....


  1. Hey, what about my annual visit to KAJ? What am I, chopped liver (or worse an Ostjude)?

  2. Hoshana Rabba... we haven't forgotten.
    Don't forget to say "Hi" to my husband ;)

  3. Enjoy the family time!

    I figure I'll try to book again with you guys some time in October...oh, umm, maybe November...err, no - December? Umm...yeah, we're going to have to play this one by ear - it seems my calendar is somehow half-way filled already for the next few months! But I can't allow too much time to pass without another Shabbos dinner with you guys!

    Let me know when you get back from your trip :-)

  4. It's an open shaila as to which three-word phrase strikes more fear into the hearts of parents: "some assembly required" or "batteries not included."

    My experiences reading assembly instructions that were translated from the original Chinese into English by way of a dyslexic Esperanto speaker lead me to believe that you're probably better off without the instructions.

    I wonder if there's someplace that takes extra pieces like your washers and the half-dozen dowels from assorted Ikea furniture that we're still holding on to for reasons that escape me...

  5. LOL efrex!
    I managed to bring home some "batteries not included" nightmares last night as well.
    Why not go all out, right?

  6. tnspr569 -

    You're welcome any time
    {...with appropriate notice [ummm Friday?], submitted in triplicate, without going past the gold line, some restrictions may apply......}

    Have a great Yom Tov.

  7. I saw your comment, asking for me to post the fondant recipe on another website. I did create a blog post with the recipe. Here is the link :) Enjoy!
