Thursday, September 24, 2009

Points to Ponder

I like to think this is a user friendly blog. I appreciate audience participation.
I encourage comments and emails in support of this blog.

I received an email recently (from someone who has yet to grace this blog with a comment) containing a suggestion for an עשרת ימי תשובה post. I will repost here verbatim. Your thoughts, as always, are most welcome:

I thought I'd share with you my favorite Yomim Noroim inspirational quote:

"Pray as if everything depends on G_d. But prepare as if everything depends on you."

Do you know which great "rabbinical" figure came up with that? James Harrison, linebacker from the Pittsburgh Steelers, on how he prepares for football games.

But it really fits for Yom Kippur, no?


  1. As shlomom hamelech says, you can learn from everyone especially a one that has a super bowl ring.

  2. As shlomom hamelech says, you can learn from everyone especially a one that has a super bowl ring.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
