Monday, October 26, 2009

Amazing Savings

I bought Chanukah paper goods yesterday. "Why?", you ask. "Why do people climb Mt. Everest?", I ask. Because it's THERE.

Following a trip to Party City (... why was half the store in line for Purim costumes anyway {wink}??... are we having fun yet?!?!?) in search of Bas Mitzvah Party paper goods ("Mommy, nothing too 'elegant'. No flowers, but it shouldn't look like a five year old's birthday party either... stripes or polka dots would be good"....), I swung by Amazing Savings because I hadn't yet totally maxed out my Visa card.

Avram likes to call this store "Amazing Spending", because you go in there not needing anything and come out lugging bags the size of which could conceal two small children inside. After all, who could resist their wares? At the risk of making efrex completely jealous, I'm gonna admit that I purchased a set of earthenware soup bowls with handles so I can finally make french onion soup at home and not shlep out to Shelley's (whose french onion soup with garlic bread and mozzerella is *awesome*, by the way). Now if only I had a recipe.....
Let me also mention that I discovered a new mathematical principle yesterday. $1.49 times a lot, adds up to a lot. Who knew? The stuff seemed so cheap. There were a few books for the grandchildren (such a bargain... I'm tellin' you.....), a silicone soup ladle (OK, this I really needed. You don't want to know what mine at home looks like....), a spare pop-up hamper (you never know when you're going to need one, right?), Terra Chips (Hey! Shopping makes you hungry!) and of course, Chanukah paper goods, because after all, Chanukah is right around the corner.......
Smiley Faces


  1. You forgot to mention pans. How can you go to Amazing Savings and not buy enough aluminum pans to cover your entire building? The place is good for $3 birthday presents.

  2. you can always make chip chicken with the Terra Chips!

    and for some unexplainable reason, the Aluminum pans are significantly cheaper at AZ than in the MidWest (Even though they are made in Illinois!). Whenever we return from NY, we always try to brink back a case of 100 9/13s.

  3. When we found out we were getting our local Amazing Savings, one of my friends was so excited that someone asked her who was engaged. I can still hear the shriek through the cell phone, two people away from me.

    Besides Chanukah, my Utopian holiday there is Purim.... (glazed eyes)...

  4. Our regular milchig dishware is oven- and broiler- safe, so we just make onion soup right in the cups on the rare times that we're in the mood for it (The Lovely Wife[tm] last made it for shavuot some years back). If memory serves, the Kosher Palette has a pretty decent recipe, and you can find a bunch of vegetarian versions online. Most substitute vegetable broth + red wine for the traditional beef broth, and that seems like a pretty good way to go, IMHO.

    I got a snort out of "Amazing Spending"... Back when I had some time, I'd periodically drop by Whole Foods, which a fellow online wag dubbed "Whole Paycheck"... I'm constantly reminding The Lovely Wife(tm) that, if she saves us any more money on her shopping sprees, we're going to go completely broke.

    I must be the last person on earth who refuses to use aluminum pans. We've got a big ol' roaster, and by gum, I use the darned thing (and yes, I wash it on motzei shabbat / Sunday morning too, thankyewverymuch...)

  5. Who knew that an "innocuous" post about Amazing Savings would elicit such a strong response?
    Thanks for all your comments.
    I feel so much less alone :)

    efrex - I too have a "big ol' roaster", though I admit I use it mostly for roasting roasts. I do, however, use pyrex each week for my chicken. I like the end result much better than foil pans. (and Avram washes it after Shabbos {sheepish grin})

  6. I dont get it. Why sheepish grin?? You should be gloating that your husband washes your dishes for you. :-P

  7. i do not want to go to Amazing Savings. I do not want to buy stuff I don't need. I don't want to be reminded that I might have spent too much somewhere else. My time is extremely limited -- I do NOT want to add ANOTHER shopping stop to my list. Isn't Target bad enough? So I was not the friend of Staying Afloat who shrieked in delight.

  8. My rule about Amazing savings is, if im looking or something specific I dont go, but if I'm just going aound looking for anything then I will go because they have a lot of anything.

  9. tesyaa -
    You don't know what you're missing :D

    Oh, did I mention picture frames? I'm addicted to $3 picture frames.....

  10. Offering up thanks that there is no AS in our area. Of course we have more than our share of $1 stores where you can discover a whole treasure trove of things you never knew existed, that you are never going to use, but hey, they only cost $1. And by the way, have you ever seen or even heard of anyone, anywhere, who has only spent $1 in a $1 store?

  11. NotAnotherStupidNameOctober 28, 2009 at 2:00 PM

    Shelleys is amazing, the best French Onion soup is at Beit Ticho is Yerushalayim

  12. I would like to let you know that at this very moment Shelley's french onion soup is making its way from Teaneck to my home in Baltimore based on your recommendation. I am very excited!

  13. Ooooh enjoy Frayda!

    I wonder how they package that for travel....
