Wednesday, November 11, 2009

On Aveilus and Purses....

I went to a wedding last night without Avram. It was the first big simcha to fall in his ovel year, which precludes his attendance.

While I love a good simcha, I really hate going without my husband. I know what you're thinking... "What does it matter with separate seating?".

First of all, I'm not averse to meeting my husband in the common areas during the stiletto-stomping portion of the evening and spending a little quality time together trying to be heard over the blaring music.

Secondly, I've lost the fun of wending my way to the kitchen to interrogate the cook about all of my husband's unusual food allergens (why he doesn't do this himself - - - that's another post entirely). I can now say hazelnuts and cumin in three languages.

But lastly, and most importantly - I abhor having to take a purse with me. For goodness sakes, that's why I got married in the first place!!!! (Bad4Shidduchim has an ongoing series entitled "Reason #___ for Getting Married". She should totally include this one). I've lost a place to keep my lipstick and brush and all the other little things I never, EVER use during the course of the evening but must bring along anyway and have been forced to shlep along a purse which becomes a big liability during dancing. And you know how much I love the *dancing*.....


  1. Why no write up on the wonderful atmosphere and scenery?

  2. NJAN -
    Because I'm not a single guy frustrated by a high mechitza - that's why..... ;)

  3. Ha! I've actually considered trying to get The Lovely Wife (tm) to coordinate her purse with my suit, since I spend so much time at weddings holding on to it anyway.

    Trust me to fixate on the most tangential point in a post, but: no cumin?! There goes half of my fleishig repertoire.

  4. efrex -

    I don't make him hold the purse! (My husband always jokes that when you see the old men sitting on benches in Loehmann's holding a purse, those are men on their SECOND wives....). I simply give him what would be the contents of said purse to distribute amongst his various pockets.

    Re the cumin: It's a "nuts and seeds" thing...
    Cumin is a seed.
    Poppy seeds are also out.

  5. I get enough strange looks and comments from being a musical theater fan and food nerd; carrying a lipstick in my pocket would not be a good social move for me, thankyouverymuch... :)

  6. Yes efrex -
    Carrying her *actual purse* is significantly better, LOL.........

  7. Reverse of my situation, because when my husband and I go to a wedding he finds he can unburden himself of his keys in my purse -- which is usually tiny, and is totally weighed down or stretched out of shape by his big huge thing of keys. As soon as we've checked our coats he lets me take the keys whether I want to or not.

  8. why is dancing in quotes??

  9. cuzzin -
    I have yet to find the html code for sarcasm....
    I'm sort of left to my own devices.
    I'm not a fan of the current dynamics of wedding dancing.

  10. p.s. to cuzzin -
    Time to fill that prescription for reading glasses.
    Those aren't quotes.
    They are asterisks :)

  11. We all just leave our purses on the table. There's not much in there worth stealing....

  12. Pshh.....
    Just don't bring a purse- valet your car, and no worries- enjoy the simcha!!

  13. I have reading glasses. they are in my night table. They are for reading print on paper.

    and it is what passes for dancing at weddings. What, you want crazy leaping around and jumping like KAJ on Succos?? ;-)
