Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ruby Tuesday - Out My Apartment Window

I've learned in any "crisis" situation (not merely fires or the seeming threat thereof...) to judge the severity of the incident, not by the light and sirens, but by the speed at which those in charge are moving. (This is sort of like the credo that whatever scary noise you hear or turbulence you feel on an airplane, there's no reason to panic as long as the flight attendants are still milling about serving drinks...).
This was the scene outside my apartment window on Sunday night. I still do not know what the commotion was all about, but I can tell you that these two trucks arrived with great fanfare and screaming sirens. Several burly firemen climbed out and proceeded to have what I might describe as a "water cooler conversation" for several minutes. They then climbed back in to their trucks and drove off.
Disaster averted.

See more Ruby Tuesday photos with a little or a lot of red in them here.


  1. When you see situations like that, its unavoidable that you get scared.

    Happy Thanksgiving! Please check out Our last days in Korea

  2. It is a moment, I would get scared myself too.

    Happy Thanksgiving :)

    You Got A Posty
    All Little Things I Like

  3. Wow scary noises in the night. Glad everything was ok. HRT

  4. wow you certainly captured the moment...

  5. I'm glad "disaster was averted." And that is quite a ruby of a shot. I'm always imagining what might have happened...we get a lot of ambulances bustling down our main avenue, as the hospitals are right over the bridge.

  6. I remember those days when I lived in NYC and the trucks would arrive and sometimes I'd hear them thumping up the stairs and then usually they would go away without really seeming to do anything. Cool photo. Glad there was no tragedy, just a good photo op. Really true about the speed at which they move...

  7. awww that scary, the red lookin ambiance plus the noise! good thing everythin is ok :)

    u may view mine if u have time
