Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Happens When You Teach Fondant Flower Making To Creative 12 Year Olds...

This was the project an my daughter's bas mitzvah party.
I think her friends did a super job, don't you?


  1. Beautiful video. I love that, boating with a tie like there might be a minyan on the other side of the lake. :)

    Mazel Tov ! Much Nachas Always!

  2. BLD-

    Just for your info, that picture was taken on Chol Hamoed.

  3. So beautiful in all its aspects that it actually brought tears to my eyes. Mazal Tov! May your joy in your daughter only multiply in the years to come.

  4. mazal tov! May your daughter take her kabolas ol mitzvos to grow in torah, to enter the chuppa, and to continue her family's tradition of ma'asim tovim!

  5. Crazy...I don't even know you and I am crying at the fact that a. she actually thought of you in such a special way and b. 12 years old and such a beautiful poem...you should have much continued nachas from her!

  6. I only watched half of the (very nice video) (I'm tired...). 'You daughter's poem is special!Mazel Tov and a lot of nachas.
    Yes, they did nicely with the fondant. I had my first try a week ago, and my flowers didn't come out half as nice....

  7. I am awed. You have clearly been raising an exceptional young lady, with the power to really see things and who has such simchas hachaim. May the nachas grow and grow.

  8. SA -
    While she is definitely a very special girl and I am very proud of her along with all of my children, my best friend had a definite hand in that poem as well...
