Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Apparently Dibuks Don't "Hold" By The Internet Either...

As reported in this article over at The Yeshiva World (so you know that the facts are reliable) there is a "REAL" Dibuk in the Brazilian community.
The article is lengthy and goes in to much detail, but the one standout fact that I found most enlightening was this:

"...HaRav Dovid Batzri, a known Mekubal, tried to remove the dibuk via Skype, without success..."

So what can we learn from this?

Well... obviously that the Mekubal holds by the internet but the Dibuk doesn't........


  1. I laughed out loud and still am laughing. The one guy in the office with me today thinks I am nuts :-)


  2. omgosh....snortle....

  3. it is clearly because the rabbonim banned the internet and haredi sites this past week, though Skype isnt a haredi site, but Rav Batzri had no business using the INternet. Maybe he should have used that new Shidduch Vision service to meet up with the guy and exorcise the dybbuk...

    I was in the middle of writing a post about this, and now have new material. Thanks

  4. Rafi -
    You read my mind!
    Think of all the possibilities for the new Shidduch Vision Service!
    "Dibuk Vision"!!!

  5. There should be a warning at the top of the posting "Do not read if you have a mouthful of hot coffee." (Wiping off monitor)Can't stop laughing.

    Skype and a Dybuk exorcism? I'd like to be alive 100 years from now when our future generations will read what went on today and see their faces when they get to this one.

  6. My rebbe Rav Avraham David Niznik zatza"l told me that the Chafetz Chaim told him that he exorcised the last dibbuk in Europe before the war...

    Take that for what it's worth.

  7. The post made me laugh out loud and the comments are killing me, I think my sides are gonna split.

  8. I must add here that I am very disappointed in the integrity of Matzav.com.

    They "appropriated" our term "Dibuk Vision" and credited neither this blog, nor Rafi G.'s blog (Rafi, by the way, had the integrity that Matzav does not and linked back to this blog).

    On top of all that, both Rafi and I commented on their post, reminding them that the phrase was already used by other blogs and the moderator chose not to publish either comment. Apparently, honesty and transparency are "editable offenses" over at Matzav.

    Just thought my readers should know this......

  9. moderation can sometimes take time before something gets posted. I see now my comment is now posted on matzav, though yours is not [yet?] there...

  10. Rafi -
    Are you sure they published your comment?
    It DOES NOT show up when I log in to the article.
    Matzav has a nasty and confusing habit of "publishing" the comment via a cookie on the author's page while it awaits moderation, and it remains there even if it never gets approved, unless the author logs in via a stealth window or another browser perhaps.
    I see no comments crediting other blogs over at matzav.

  11. you are absolutely correct. I logged in from another computer and see the comment is not there. They really are devious...
    I just thought they dont like to link. They have mentioned my blog in the past as a source, though never with a link. now I see it is more than that...

  12. Rafi -
    They are fully within their rights if they choose not to link other blogs AS LONG AS they don't "appropriate" other blogger's "intellectual property" ;)
    In addition, the TWO comments that I left which they chose not to publish, neither linked NOR named the actual blogs in question. They merely stated that "Dibuk Vision" was not original to their website.
    It says a lot about them in my book that they couldn't bring themselves to publish those honest comments.
