Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gee Your Hair Smells.......

If you were born around my time or a bit earlier, you may remember this product. "Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific" was a very popular, albeit wordy, shampoo in its day.

I've been thinking of marketing a new hair wash especially for Chanukah. I think I'm going to call it "Gee Your Hair Smells Like Latkes". I may market it it with a bonus "latke scented" sweater thown in for the first 8 customers.

Yes folks, the scents of the holiday linger on and on and on and................


  1. How about Gee Your Hair Smells Like When My Oil Hanukiah Flames Go Out and Stink Up the House

  2. Leora -
    Oil is oil....
    same thing.

  3. Oh my!

    I remember that shampoo. I also remember a lot of things that are no longer in existence.

    Now, I am aging myself quickly.

  4. I seem to recall an Archie comic (that banging sound you hear is that of another nail being driven into the coffin of my children's shidduch chances) where Betty got a new perfume that smelled of fried food and car oil, resulting in her attracting every man in sight...

    What would the equivalent men's cologne scent be?

  5. Lol Efrex, how about if he smelled like a million dollars--literally? Or maybe that "I know how to change a baby's diaper" talcum powder aroma?

  6. lol - I made sure to box up my sheitels before i started frying. ick.

  7. ProfK, I'd say you redeemed yourself with the second half of your comment, because the first is highly offensive. That said, baby powder or dishwashing liquid definitely.

  8. I could come in "Latkes with Applesauce" or "Latkes with Sour Cream" fragrances

  9. hahah! This is sooo necessary!

    I washed my shaitel on tuesday for the first time in..um...i wont share the exact date........but a LONG time.

    I couldnt handle the oily smell any longer.
