Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why Facebook Should Be Banned....

Little Shprintzie thinks she's safe from the evils of the internet.
She's not on Facebook, or any other social networking site so her privacy and tznius are safe, right? WRONG!!!
Here is an actual exchange I saw today on Facebook. The names have been changed, but the quotes are verbatim.

Adina: it's a girl!!!!

Bleemie: who?

Adina: Shprintzie!

G6: Shprintzie's a girl? OMG! I'm so glad you figured that out!

UberYenti: Shprinzie who?

Adina: Shprintzie Dintsy

Uber Yenti: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! She wasn't due till next month!!

Uber Yenti: Now this is why I love Facebook!

ummmm...... why exactly??? ... so that everyone can openly discuss the most private and intimate details of their friend's obstetrical history???

When I posed this question to Uber Yenti, her answer was "You got it!!"

Poor Shprintzie......

Oh, and it gets worse... a few minutes later comes this gem...

Shayne Yenti: Mazal tov!! We were just discussing that over Shabbos- how she was due next month but one of the neighbors thought she was due in like, March...

(sigh....) You can't make this stuff up folks!!!


  1. I think calling whether or not a woman has had a baby and her due date "the most private and intimate details of their friend's obstetrical history" is a bit of a stretch. Most women who are visibly pregnant don't have a problem saying when their due date is. And if she does have the baby, that's clearly public knowledge.

    The Wolf

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. BrooklynWolf -
    True, but they were fast approaching the "good stuff"....
    I mean, she was "Shabbos conversation", for goodness sakes! And SY had no compunction admitting that publicly!!!
    What's next?
    We'll never know b/c the original facebooker took the status update and commentary down after reading my post, but I can surely imagine....

  4. What "good stuff?" From my reading of the dialouge, they were discussing her due date. That's neither a "private" nor "intimate" detail.

    I fail to see what's wrong with discussing when a visibly pregnant woman is due. Maybe it's because I'm not female...

    The Wolf

  5. Wolf -

    I hope you realize that my post title wasn't serious but I can't believe that you really believe that this sort of interchange casts women in a positive light. (In my mind, it feeds into every "henhouse" stereotype out there...)

    I for one, didn't find this conversation "tasteful", to say the least.

  6. I agree with the Wolf, but even more so I agree with G6, about Facebook. Probably more than she agrees with herself!! You lose all control of your information and your anonymity, if you want it, and you cannot control how you are discussed in cyberspace, or who forwards that information, once gleaned off an innocuous page, to someone else.

  7. As a guy, I must say I always find it strange hearig a woman or her husband or her family talk about her due date being "next week on Wednesday" for example.

    It always strikes me as too personal a detail to share. Can't the people just say she's due "any day" or "next week" or "sometime in the next two weeks"?

    I think giving an exact date is inappropriate.

  8. Even worse, someone can post a picture of you on Facebook and you might never know.

  9. fyi...i told Shprintzie about the facebook conversation and that i took it all down and she shrugged and said "oh whatever, it doesn't bother me that much"

    not that it makes it ok to explore the private details of other people on the web...
