Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dinner Etiquette Video

I've been a bit busy playing "Where's the Granddaughter Hiding Oh-So-Quietly" this week with my Kayla to have a chance to compose any serious posts, but I did find this video for you to enjoy:

Preparation for dinner at G6's house (though we're minus the "servants"...)

(Full disclosure: Avram only enjoyed the first minute of the video...)


  1. lol. if that had been dinner at your house, i doubt i would have enjoyed myself!

  2. Mamash Chukas Hagoy.

  3. BLD -
    Why is the idea of setting a beautiful table and having nice table manners chukas hagoy? Granted the video was a little over the top, but taking into account that it was meant tongue in cheek, there is really nothing wrong with it. Why do some people think that being a frum Jew means being unpunctual, untidy and even uncouth? Show me which sefer you learned that in?

  4. Very, very cute.

    (Avram's point goes without saying.)

  5. That is Too funny!!!

    My twelve year old was watching the beginning with me, and said (as a joke)we should know this stuff for shidduchim!!!

  6. BLD appreciates the beautiful table settings, but no rituals please, only mitzvos for us frum Jews!

  7. BLD,

    Hashem expects much more from us than simply following the letter of the mitzvos. Ramban's comment on "kedoshim tiyu" makes this point very clear.

    By the way, according to you, is one allowed to be a slob according to the Torah? After all, there is no mitzvah stating that one should not be.

  8. And to think I've been setting the table without a protractor until now...
