Friday, February 26, 2010

Pre-Seudah Blog Bash

Since Purim is on a Sunday this year, many of us do not have to work and have a bit more time to engage in a bit of Purim fun.

We here at Guess Who's Coming To Dinner are putting together a little show for our readers. There will be refreshments and skits.

Baked Lecho Dodi will be singing Divrei Torah in rhyme.

Efrex will be singing musical theater while juggling Wusthof knives.

Brunhilda will be doing a Purim cooking demo.

Michael Westin will be holding a Hamantaschen eating contest.

Not Anonymous will be randomly picking fights with arriving guests as they enter the venue.

Daughters In the Parsha will be sizing up ("Do you have anything in a 36 long?") every eligible male in the place.

tnspr569 and aN Dy will be giving a dating workshop entitled "Zipcar: Good for Shidduchim, Bad for the Wallet" (all the while trying desperately to catch DIP's eye...)

YDL and Yekishe Bekkishe will be participating in a wrestling match, clothed in traditional 19th Century German Jewish garb. Betting is encouraged. All proceeds go to Moreshes Ashkenaz.

Thanks in advance to everyone for making this bash, as well as this blog, the success that it is!!!


  1. Will anyone else be making an appearance at the Seudah this Sunday, aside from me?

  2. Oh, I'm so there!

    If I'm juggling knives in front of an audience, Eric better be able to transition from Barnum to Sweeney Todd...

  3. of course i can make that transition ... in my SLEEP!

  4. There's always a seat for Baked Lecho Dodi ;)


    Shuli, I MISS YOU. HAPPY PURIM! Jonas and I were talking about how AWESOME the last Purim was and we MISS YOU...

  6. Louisa -

    We miss you too....

    We also have wonderful memories of last year's seudah ... and Jonas!

  7. I thought Eric wasn't allowed to read the blog, let alone comment!?!

  8. How was your Gehengenis? According to my wife I behaved relatively well - depending on whose relatives we base this diagnosis! BTW, my father O"bm was from Munich, which according to rabbi Hamburger is a Yekkishe non-entity. Therefore, since I'm not a kraut I want to have a good old fashioned Ostjudische barroom brawl, who needs kid gloves or the Marquess of Queensberry?

  9. Yekkishe Bekkishe -

    I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with the term Gehengenis, nor are other people that I asked...

  10. Gehengenes ars smoked things such as Rauchfleisch or sausages - which are hung & smoked. This is to commemorate Homon Inc. being hung.

    By the way, the Chasam Spopher used to eat a smoked tongue on the second day of Pesach to commemorate Homons Yahrzeit.

    What about the Homon Challo? I thin Gruenebaums used to make those commercially. My wife made a big one that fed about 30 people!

    BTW, ask Simcha what happened to him, he converted from OstJude - he borrowed a Bekishe from me years ago - to Polynesian. Was the conversion done under KAJ Hashgocho?
