Sunday, March 14, 2010

Individual Chocolate Fondue

My poor, long-suffering family. They were forced to endure this lovely dessert two weeks in a row because after the roaring success of my initial attempt, I was dismayed to realize that I had neglected to photograph it for blogging purposes (and we all know, that if we don't blog about it, it didn't happen.... ).

This simple combination is a delicious treat at the end of any Friday night meal. I simply melted good quality (think Swiss) chocolate with some "parve" milk (think chemical or soy... your choice) in a pyrex bowl and kept it warm until dessert time. I then served it spooned into stemmed glass bowls surrounded by cut strawberries, pineapple, grapes and bananas (not pictured since I wasn't prepared to cut them prior to serving). And the best part of these INDIVIDUAL fondues? Double dipping allowed!


  1. yum! this would be great for pesach too!

  2. As a starving college student, I say there should be a rule against posting pictures of yummy food online.
    In fact, there is a rule. It's called lifnei iver (of lo sachmod).

  3. Baked Lecho Dodi (OU-P)March 15, 2010 at 7:20 AM

    Ain Onu Matbilin Afilu Paam Echos!

  4. EJB - Welcome to the blog!
    BLD - Only OU-P??!? :P

    EJB and BLD - LOL!
    I prefer to think of it as "Mitoch Shelo Lishmo, Bo Lishmo" mixed with a bit of "Kol Dichfin ..." :D

  5. Oooh wow, a personal welcome. On that note, post-lunch pre-dinner desert time.

  6. Hello - your readers need Pesach stuff to read about !
