Friday, March 5, 2010

Mazel Tov To One Of My Favorite Lurkers!

I just wanted to extend hearty Mazel Tov wishes to one of my favorite "lurker" readers on his engagement.

Another great guy is now "off the market".


  1. Do we get a hint?

    -another anonymous lurker

  2. Haha!! Thank you very much! I will even de-lurk for one day. Thanks very much for the public very kind words. By the way, part of the engagement was through a blog about us so I am (kinda) part of the blogosphere! It was nice seeing you as always and now you KNOW I will be in the Heights much more for Shabbos ;-)

  3. There you have it Anonymous!
    It's "A".

    Now A,
    Do we get the link for this blog about you guys?
    It was great meeting S, and if we get you for meals more often, she'll be proving herself an asset to you right off the bat! (Imagine.... making Shabbos plans before Friday! :P )

  4. Will A and S get a pass on not stacking for Shana Rishona?
