Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Opa G" on the 13th Yahrzeit

Where does the time go?
Has it really been 13 years since my dear father in law passed away?
He was a true "Renaissance Man", a modern scholar with more than superficial knowledge about many different interests.
His particular passions were Jewish history, archaeology and designing many of the beautiful porocheses that grace our shul today.
He was fiercely loyal to his community and his family (never making any distinction between blood or marital relatives).
He set a shining example of a helpful husband for my own better half to observe and emulate.

Readers who knew him are more than welcome to share their own remembrances.

Yehi Zichro Baruch


  1. A very mesuderdik person, but
    I'd like to know more about his shaychus to Rav Breuer in terms of Toirah, Avodah and GM"CH. Thanks

  2. ad biyas hagoel, avram

  3. Re: "and designing many of the beautiful porocheses that grace our shul today." ...

    Quick, what's the proper plural of the Hebrew word "paroches"-- is it "parochos", most likely?

    It surely isn't "parocheses".

    It's no secret that Hebrew grammar is one of the weakest links in our modern-day yeshivah education.

    Case in point.

  4. Ad beias hagoel on great Opa Yahrtzeit

  5. Ad beias hagoel on great Opa Yahrzeit
