Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Three Cheers for Reader Feedback!

You already know that I love when you all comment. I also love the emails that you send and I make every effort to answer each one.

Rena just sent me some very positive comments, along with this lovely photo. These Haman Men she made were inspired by my blog and frankly, I like them even better than my own. How appropriate that she hung them off a German Shabbos lamp!!

Keep those comments, letters and photos coming.


  1. This actually reminds me of something a friend of mine received from his mother while in Yeshiva in Israel (that another friend posted on his blog) http://xe7.xanga.com/991b90375103244775389/b30262422.jpg it's Haman's ten sons, in chocolate form, hanging on a chocolate gallows. It's so funny and disturbing at the same time (the little faces are smiling!)

  2. the .jpy got cut off at the end of that url, it should be: http://xe7.xanga.com/991b90375103244775389/b30262422.jpg

  3. ok, it got cut off again. After the final slash it goes b30262422.jpg

  4. Shades of Grey -
    That's amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love it! Hope I remember that for next year...
