Friday, April 16, 2010

Food Photo Friday - Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls

1/2 cup melted margarine
1 1/2 cups creamy peanut butter
1 lb. powered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla

8 ounces chocolate chips
2 Tablespoon oil

Beat margarine, peanut butter, sugar, and vanilla until smooth. Shape into balls and freeze for about an hour on a tray/sheet covered with foil.

Melt the oil and chocolate in a double boiler (you can probably do this in the microwave if you are careful). Dip the balls in the chocolate halfway and then put them back in the freezer to set.

Makes 7-8 dozen (actual count is difficult to achieve - they seem to "disappear" quickly...)


  1. Oh. My. Goodness.
    Those look and sound incredible, but they're probably 947539483 calories.

  2. Actually, only about 78 calories a piece, but who's counting ;)

  3. looks good, but I don't even DARE copy the recipe. I would eat the whole lot; as a kid I LOVED Reese's peanut butter cups.....

  4. One morning this week I made a PERFECT omelet and ran upstairs to get my camera to take a picture for you but my camera needed to be re-charged!!!
    I thought it would be cool for you to see what my typical breakfast is :)

    maybe another time...
    thanks for all the yummy pics! these peanut butter balls look like heaven!

  5. Tembow -
    What a pity.
    Charge that camera and get to work!
    I'm looking forward to same audience participation here.

  6. Hi, I'm a long time lurker who really enjoys reading about your shabbat and chag meals. I'm also a little bit Yekkie but that branch of the family is so secular and assimilated that I don't know much about their traditions, so it is cool to learn about that here.

    In Ohio, where I grew up, these are called "Buckeyes," after our state tree. "Buckeyes" are also, of course, the Ohio State University football team. I used to make them with my grandmother. Now that I live on the east coast, I make these every year and give them to my friends, who gladly gobble them up. :)

  7. Blanquita -

    Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself and tell me what you enjoy about the blog.
    I hope you comment more often from now on.
    Thanks for teaching me something new... Buckeyes, eh? Gotta remember that.

  8. I'm so glad I ran into this post. My neighbor growing up used to make these and every once in a while I get that craving.
